
Wedding videographers in Bangalore

Wedding videography gives you an opportunity to feel the dream-like experience of your wedding day again. However, it is always over before it is completely realized-for which you were actually planning since months. Wedding videographers creatively capture all the flashes of your wedding so that you may not miss a single moment of your special day. has gathered various wedding videographers in Bangalore.
Wedding filming, one day
35 000 ₹ — 100 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
50 000 ₹ — 150 000 ₹
Pre wedding video
25 000 ₹ — 50 000 ₹
Non-studio filming, per hour
5 000 ₹ — 10 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 20 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 20 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 50 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 25 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 6 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 30 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 20 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 50 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 34 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 30 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 150 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 75 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 55 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 35 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 75 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 60 000 ₹
Wedding filming, one day
from 140 000 ₹
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You get the list of videographers along with their sample videos. You can choose a wedding videographer and look through his portfolio by yourself. You can opt for pre-wedding videos and documentaries as well for your wedding. Wedding videography service allows you to choose the best videographer among the various options available. Fabulous videography, stunning sound designing, smart editing and a professional direction will make your precious moments memorable.